God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Dream

I had a very interesting dream last night. A dream that had me wondering what it means.

The Dream
I dream about you. The last person I expected. I think of you from time to time but it never cross my mind that you would come to me in my dream. We were hanging out and having fun. I set aside my fear for the first time. I was ready to confess. I follow you up stair and you open the bedroom door. I saw your girlfriend lying on the bed. You walk over to her and wipe her forehead with a damped cloth. I stare for a minute or two until I could not bare the pain anymore. I ran down stair and sat on the couch. I told myself to remain clam. Then I felt pain and my heart begins feel heavy. You came down stair to check on me. I couldnt face you, so I pretend to be asleep. I need a moment or two to myself. This couldnt be happening. My chance of love was slipping away.

Days went by and it felt like years. You and your girlfriend were at theater show. I sense something was going to happen to you. I rush to my friends house and convince her to come with me. My heart beating fast, I was afraid I could not save you in time. I saw you sitting next to your girlfriend in the middle aisle. I told my friend to tell you that I need to talk to you. It is urgent. You got up and walk toward the doorway to where I am standing. I told you everything, my feelings, and how much I wanted to be with you. At last my heart is free; I longer had to hide my feelings for you. Then I saw a bright light, and I look at myself. I was shinning, shinning brighter than the stars in the sky. As much as I didnt want to admit, I finally realize that it was me who was hurt. I felt my body stop working and my breathing slowing down. My legs weaken and I collapsed into your arm. You hold me and look into my eyes. I reach out and touch your face one last time as I vanished into the air.

At Last I Finally Understood....
Today I saw your facebook status. You are forever lost to me. Now Ill be living life wondering what could had been.