God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A Sense of Purpose

I been feeling down lately. The reasons why includes resigning, job search, how to pay for my bills, and so forth. At this point in my life, I never imagine that I would be facing so many challenges in life. When I have no strength I want to give up. But I keep thinking that if I give up, the future I long for will not happen. What to do? What to do? It seems that as we grow up we have more responsibilities.
Have you apply for a job position, and you want it badly? Recently, I applied for two job positions that I am most interest in. Question is am I eligible for an interview? I believe I have the experience and knowledge, but I worry that the company may think I am not suitable enough. How can I show my skills and abilities if I am not given a chance?
A friend and I discussed about our reasons why we came to Korea .The conclusion we came up with:
-A calling
-To experience
-A purpose to fulfill
-To learn and grow
Now that our purpose has been accomplished, it seems it is time to move on.  We are content and ready to head back home. I am sad that things ended like this but I believe that everything happens for a reason.