God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Arrival to ROK

Life in Korea has be interesting these past couple of weeks. The first day I arrive, the director from Canadian Connection Shane Finnie picked me and another native teacher from the airport. We stayed at Paradise hotel for one week for orientation. I met many other native teachers from all over. Everyone was required to get a medical check. The check-up included blood and urine sample, breast exam, vision test, height and weight measurement, and a dental check. I found out that my blood type is A+.
After a long week of orientation, we finally met our co-teacher on the last day. My co-teacher is from Dongam Elementary School. Half of the day was spent at the immigration office getting applying for my alien registration card (ARC). Afterward, we visited the school and greet the principal and vice principal. I was taken to my officetel. I live on the six floor of a building called Leaders Towers. It’s a simple officetel. The previous tenant left some stuffs such as some tables and pots. I had to clean a few time just to make it feel like home. Imagine sleeping on the first floor your first night? How sad is that. I have better days. I am so thankful I brought a quilt with me. I never felt this poor since ages I would say. I slept on the floor for four days before finally getting a mattress. I received my mattress and tv on September 10, 2011. I’m still trying to figure out how everything works. It’s hard when you dont know the language. As time goes by I hope to learn a little of Korean bit and pieces. So far I noticed Korean girls are really into fashion and beauty.
Dongam Elementary School is about a ten minute walk from where I live. I teach 3rd – 6th graders. Student’s level of English is at the beginning. It’s quite a challenge to teach English to such large group of students. I hope to do my best so that students will excel in their English.
Shopping in Korea is pretty interesting I’ll have to admit. There are numerous of vendors especially in the Underground Shopping Center in Bupyeong. All clothing types are very similar. Lots of shoes and cellphones!!
Food. Food. Food. Depend on where you go it can also be expensive. Korea food is cheaper compared to western or other culture. Time like this I really miss home. I’m thankful there is a Diaso store nearby for me to purchases cleaning supplies and basic stuff I need. The closest to a walmart is either E-mart or Lottee. Emart is located in Art Center Station while Lotte is located in Bupyeong.