God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Old, Cold, and Bitter

So much happened today. I don’t know where to start. I just want to go cried and shout my frustration to the world. I really hate my co-teacher now. She is such an evil person. I wish I have never met her. All morning she gave me the attitude and then told me to go get the principal signature during lunch. I told her I’m taking my lunch so I will eventually. Apparently it turn out into a argument afterward. I got up to go and whisper “mean lady” in a different language. That got to her. She asked me what I said and I told her nothing. Then she said don’t talk to me. You don’t know respect. I have endured this evil woman since day one, and I fed up with it. She is pissed because she has to do extra paperwork. I snapped and I told her (in a shaky voice I have to admit) that I’m fed up with your b**** attitude (excuse my language here). I know you’re angry; you don’t have to tell me. Gosh even the world would have known just by the way she was acting.  And don’t talk to me about respect; ask yourself that question (sometime like that I can’t really recall lol). I do however, recall anger. I never felt this much hatred toward one person. I’m up to the point where I don’t want to see or communicate with her. I have 17 working days left then afterwards I’m going to a better place. A place where I am respected where my opinion and knowledge are recognizes. I almost wanted to say I regret for coming to Korea to encounter an evil person, but some part of me is glad that I came. The good out weight the bad and it didn’t really started until I told her I was resigning. You would think that this old bitter lady who has been in the education field would know manner and respect. But nope this lady doesn’t. She likes bad mouth people and takes out her anger on anyone (like banging stuff). Ugh. Anyhow, I’m glad that its almost over and that I am resigning. I might feel like 0.01% guilt for the way I reacted to the situation, but in this case I think she deserved it. I will try not to let her anger get to me, otherwise I know she will feel victory. Instead, I will suck it up, and pretend it doesn’t matter to me. I’m not letting this evil bitter cold cranky lady gets the best out of me. I’m stronger and I will conquer this. I hope she gets even meaner GET in the future, and then she will know what it’s like to be treated like trash. I really do want to leave Korea with a good impression of the county, but it’s just that evil lady. Oh well I believe that what goes around will come around. Payback time is gonna be pain in the butt.
Another day tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it. I have to see this bitter lady again. UGH. @_@. No wonder she has no husband. Who would want to marry an evil person. Haha. Anyway moving on, I came home and went to cancel my cellphone services at SK. Sadly, I had to visit three SK shop before finding the right one. It cost me a total of 115,000 KRW to cancel. Expensive? Yes I couldn’t agree more. I could be using that to do my hair. Then I bought some food and came back home. After 1 hour (eating and cleaning) I noticed my wallet was gone. I almost went insane. I looked everywhere (or so I thought I did). I walk back to the store, and saw nothing on the street. I was pretty sad. Not only that I had to deal with the evil lady, but I also have to deal important missing docs along with 96,000 KRW. Ouch. I walk back feeling sad and teary. Got to my apartment and saw something below my pink folder. Ah ha!! There it was. YES!! My wallet was there. What a day. Please lord make tomorrow better than today. I would ask you that please don’t let me see her tomorrow but I know that is impossible. I have to deal with this evil lady, and all I ask of you is to give me strength. Please give me the strength I need to conquer this evil person.