God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Monday, February 27, 2012

I'm not Alone

Oh lord I felt so angry at my co-teacher today. All weekend long I hesitated to give my co-teacher my resignation letter because I knew what would happen. All I need her help for was to interpret my resignation letter to the Principal and yet she gives me bs. First she says not today because she is not feeling well. Next I am suppose to give a thirty day notice (duh which I am doing it). Then she tells me I’m going to make things difficult for the school because now the school have to find a new “GET”. I’m sorry but that’s not my problem and it was not written in my contract. It is the business between the school and the board of education. I could care less. The contract clearly stated to give 30 days notice if you want to resign. Plain and simple. Before she walks out, she tells me “I, American people are selfish people”.  To think this was from a soso call professional person? Ohhhhhh…man…. Since the day I arrived in Korea she has only helped me from orientation to my officetel.  Afterwards, she fed me to the “wolf” of the society. She did not help me one bit. Other people helped me set up my phone service, internet, pay for phone bill, utilities, and heat. This is the worst person I have EVER EVER encounter in my life. I never expected that people “such like her” can be so cruel especially to a foreign in a new country. What I felt today was hatred toward this evil woman who is old, bitter, and cold. I don’t regret my decision to resign. I know I did the right thing. If I stay any longer, things would have been worst and this evil woman would change my perspective of the country completely. 

With my friends and their support I was able to overcome this difficulty. You know who you are, I am so thankful to have each and every one of you as my friend. And with a sweetheart principal who understand and accepted my resignation, thank you. During this tough time, I know I am not alone. I have you all supporting me and I won’t give up. Fighting!!!! I will until I succeed. 

Special thanks to:
W.L : The one who knows what I am going through.
A.D: The one and only one who had been there for me for years.
Y.Y: The oppa I wish was mine. The oppa who didn’t hesitated to help me.
Y.K: The one who showed me kindness and helped me.
P.K: The one who send me a cheerful greeting card.
D.L: The one who offer to call me and talk about my problems.

I will never forget you all. Again, thank you so much!!! Im so bless and I feel so bless. Much love to you all.