God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Count Down 4, 3, 2, and 1

My friend and I went clubbing in Hongdae on Friday night. We decided to spend the night at the bathhouse because by midnight the subways are closed. It was an interesting bathhouse I have to admit. We check in around 2:00 AM in the morning. We washed our face and tour the place. The main floor is where people bathe and shower. The two lower floor is where people sleep. So many people sleeping everywhere and anywhere. LOL. That morning we head back to Incheon to freshen up and then we went to Lotte World. It was quite a distance. I was surprise that we made it through the day for the fact that we only had less than three hours of sleep that night. Lotte World is like a shopping mall with a huge amusement park inside. The admission cost was 40,000 won (admission/ all rides). The weather was not good that day. It was pretty cold and it also snow. The waiting time for the rides was ridiculous. Lets just say hours and hours. There were so many people there. Overall, it was a good experience. 

Monday was a headache. My co-teacher, an office assistant, and I went to my officetel. The school wanted to make sure I left everything in good condition (the tv, bed, microwave, and dinner table). It was awkward. I guess they expected me to move out right away, so I rushed to pack my remaining stuff and threw out the trash while they waited. We went down stair to the main office to get the remaining utilities fees. Ugh. At this rate I could care less. Honestly, I don’t know why my co-teacher was there. She was useless. I mean useless. She sat down and waited for the assistant to take care of everything. Anyhow moving on, it was over by 6:00 PM. I said my goodbye and left. I met my friend in Bupyeong, where we grab our last favorite drink and ice cream. We shopped a little then took the bus to her place.

The following morning, I did not go to work. First, I dint feel good and second, I really didn’t care. LOL. I know that sounds a bit mean, but oh well. I think they put me through enough already, and beside I want to enjoy K-land before I leave. My friend and I went to the bank and close our KEB accounts then headed to Seoul for one last time. That night, I received three emails (from coordinator, office-lady, and co-teacher). It’s not worth my time talking about the email. Let’s just say I did my part and K-land seems far far away from where I am now. ^^ Hehe.

The final day. My friend and I gathered our things and went down stair around 7:00 AM that morning. The taxi took us to the airport, which seemed like forever. The total cost of the taxi ride was about 40,000 won; we split that into two so it wasn’t so bad. I think we arrived too early because we had to wait until 11:00 AM before we can check in with JapanAir. Most of that time was spent walking back and forth. We checked in and went through gate inspection. It was a couple hours later when we board the airplane from Incheon to Narita. The flight was about 2 hours (not so bad). The flight from Japan to Chicago was about 12+ hours. It was quite a long flight. But hey the cute Japanese guy who sat to my left made up for it. Hahaha. I will have it was pretty pack at the O’hare International Airport in Chicago. My friend and I were worried that we wont make it to our next flight from Chicago to Mpls. Going through custom was a pain. Ugh. Ugh. The line was so long. Omg. We waited and waited and waited. Finally when we got there, it was 5:30 PM, the time we are suppose to be boarding our airplane. Thankfully, it went smoothly. We exit and saw American Airline booth to our left. We checked in our luggage. The lady at the counter decided to let us catch our flight, but we would have to hurry. I didn’t know that we would have hop on a train and hop off just to get to our destination. Talk about complication. Thankfully, we made it!!! I think god was on our side. ^^ But yep yep yep we made it to Mpls/St. Paul by 7:30 PM. My sister picked me up at the airport, and we arrived home where everyone was waiting for me. Haha. There is no place like home. I’ve learned that now. No matter where you go or what you do, home is a place where you will always find love.