God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Count Down 5

I almost forgot today is my niece’s birthday. Hahaha. Yep, she turns 8 years old. I miss her. It has been seven months since the last time I saw her. Anyhow, today is my last day of work (I’m making it my last day ^-^).  Official last day is sometime next week. I’m going to use this time to finish exploring Seoul and enjoying what I can before I head home.  I can’t believe it. The next journey of my life will start in less than five days.

Tonight is school dinner with co-teachers. Honestly, I’m not looking forward to this. I have better things to do than eat and stare at people. I know it sounds rude, but there is no point to be there and have no clue what they are saying. Guess I’m going to have to endure it and since it’s going to be the last time I’ll make an exception. After that I’ll be meeting a friend in Bupyeong for a drink and maybe do last minute shopping. It seems like a long day already, I’m about to be burn out.

I don’t know which is more annoying: the fact that my google chome search is in Korean or that I can’t read Korea. @_@.