God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Count Down 7

Well it seems this is it! It’s time to enjoy my last week in Korea. Though, it’s kind of hard when I’m still teaching all week. LOL. Guess I’m going to have to make the best of it. Let’s see. Finished cleaning and packing on Monday. Now the place looks as empty as it did when I first arrived. What to do today? Hmm…

Horoscope of the day:
Other people will welcome your pleasant manner. You find it easy to balance your own needs with those of others. The stressful times are over. Enjoy quiet moments and free your mind from problems. Now is a good time to plan for ambitious goals.

At this moment I couldn't agree more how accurate this horoscope is. Things are finally shaping up. New ambitious goal: Finding a job in MN. Haha.

A friend asked me, "Are you always on facebook?" To answer her question yes, I am on facebook M-F from 08:30 AM - 16: 30 PM. Sounds like a full time job right? Haha. Well I teach 22 hours of the 40 hours I work per week.18 hours of that time is “supposedly” for lesson planning. Since my school do not require me to prep, I use those hours for facebook and random researches. ^-^ School lunch today was not good. I could use some good food before I leave. Here is a random thought. I think I have a weakness for cute nerds. LOL. I dont know. There is something about cute nerds that gets to me. Haha. Gosh, I'll never know.

I met a friend in Bupyeong and had dinner. We just talked about the usual (life, relationship, dating, marriage, etc). It's good converstation because after this week, most likely we wont be having these kinds of converstation again for a while. This is probably due to resuming our life again in MN. Hopefully we'll get the chance to hang out again. Well guess thats it for tonight.