God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Saturday, March 3, 2012


I’m glad this week is over with. Now three weeks to go before I head home. I’m ready to leave I have to admit. Being here has been rollercoaster adventure. I don’t regret because now I know and I don’t have to wonder what could had been. My co-teacher and I have come to somewhat of a mutual understanding. Even though she apologized it doesn’t change how I feel. However, this negative feeling I have toward her, I’m leaving it behind when I leave this country. I know this will make me a better person.         
Today, my friend and I went to visit Isadong. I brought my DSL camera to take some pictures for memories. I noticed that we both lost passion in taking pictures. I find it kind of sad actually, because I love taking pictures. It’s just that ever since I’ve been here, I lost a part of myself. I think that life is truly amazing because the experience we encounter due shape who will be in the future. After the long subway ride to Jonggak Station, we stopped by Subway and grad lunch. I had a six foot tuna sandwich, three cookies, and a coke. Not bad. It cost me a good 8,000 KRW. We tour the famous Isadong Area and took a few pictures. We stopped by a souvenir shop, where I purchased a special customized stamp of my name. I thought it was pretty cool.    We head back to Bupyeong and ate dinner at Mr. Pizza. As always we had New York Special and all you can eat salad bar. Afterwards, we shopped in the underground market for a while. I bought a shirt (5000 KRW), a vest (5000 KRW), jacket (2900 KRW) and a shoe (5000 KRW). Yep, I shop pretty cheap I won’t lie. LOL. No money to buy anything else. I got home about two hours ago and currently watching, “The Prince of Persia: Sand of Time” starring my sexy Jake Gyllenhaal. Well tomorrow is Sunday, a day to clean up and relax before working on Monday. Here we go.    

Horoscope of the Day: Approaching events will push to the limit during this somewhat testing period. Be confident and trust in your abilities. Don't let the opinions of others dissuade you from your convictions; instead use any confrontation to build up and solidify the arguments for your own position. You may well discover one or two opportunities for improvement.