God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Bupyeong-Gyeyang Pension Office

Today I went to the Bupyeong-Gyeyang National Pension Office. Thankfully, I didn’t get lost. I took the Incheon Subway Line 1 and got off at Bupyeong Market Station and used exit number three. I walked up the stairs and turn around (as the direction indicates) and walk 20 meters. How far is 20 meters? As far as I know math and I don’t go so well with each other. Hahah. It’s like math + I = clueless. Anyhow I walked a few steps, I'm not sure if it was even 20 meters and ah ha there it was. I walked in and asked the information clerk if this was the pension building. I have no idea what he said, but I assume it was because he was pointing toward the elevator. I noticed there were two elevators two my right and two to my left. I went to the elevator on my right. The highest number I can tell was the 14th floor, so I thought it would be on that floor. I got up there and it was not it. Feeling confused I took it back down to the 12th floor. That was when I realized that the odd numbers were cover over with a Korean sticker. I went back to the 14th floor and took the stair. Yes made it to the 15th floor. There it was the national pension office. I went in and finished everything in 15 minutes. YES. Goal accomplished.
Keep in mind that the pension office need the followings: ARC, passport, airline ticket (that your leaving Korea), and bankbook or bank account where you want your money be wire to.

It'll be seven weeks or so before I receive my pension money. The lady told me I should receive it by April 30. Cross fingers. Hahaha. I took the elevator down (left side) and noticed that left elevator was for odd floors and right elevator was for even floors. Weird. Anyway, afterward I walked to Bupyeong Station. Majority of the underground markets was closed (since its Tuesday). I got lucky because the food court was open. I bought two chicken kaba and head home. I feel like I accomplished something today. No need to take paid leave now. Tomorrow marks the official three weeks before I depart Korea. I’m excited to go back, I didn’t know I would miss home this much.