God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Nothing At All

Had a nice long sleep (12+ hours or so). I don’t know, I guess when there is nothing to do all you can do is sleep. At least that is how I feel about it anyway. The little nephew arrived at 8:30 AM and woke me up. Shortly after I went back to bed and woke up at 10:00 AM. At least the morning went by fast. The afternoon however was a different story. Let see. What did I do? Oh yeah. My nephew and I went to goodwill located in Champlin. Nice small town. Peaceful and quite.

Talk about doing lawn work. Ugh. So much work just taking out dandelions. It’s alright. I give up digging it out. Tomorrow off to the store to buy grass killer solution. Haha.

I must be bored and out of my mind to research things to do in MN? Check out exploreminnesota.com. Lets see: arts and culture, casinos and gaming, amusements and zoos, gold, tour and excursions, history and science, outdoor and nature, pro sports, shopping, and wineries and breweries. Sounds like lots of things to do eh? Prepare to be disappointed. Everything you want to do is spread all over MN. That means lots of commuting time.

No job = no stress. Right. Wrong. No job = depression. At least that is how I am feeling anyway. I been back for a month, and so far I haven’t done anything. I guess this is normal when you are job searching. I mean I can’t complain right. I didn’t do anything when I was in kland. The thought of having a paycheck every month was nice. Now, I have no source of income. How sad. Economy you need to boost up!!!!!  and someone please hire me. LOL. At this moment I sound desperate. Haha.

And boy oh boy was it H.O.T today. I think the temperature was like 80 degree (give or take). Found this on someone's blog. 

 Okay. Off I go...........Where that may be.......