God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A Little Leap of Hope

What a day. I spent the day at the farmer’s market in downtown with my mom and niece. Afterwards, we left and went to goodwill. I received a call for a phone interview on Friday. I hope I do well. I am currently researching interview questions after all first impression counts. I don’t know why but somehow I don’t feel confidence in myself, must be the fact that I don’t use my knowledge enough. I hope I do well. I would be honor to help first generation students get into college.

I rescheduled my MTLE test. The next test date will be August 20 by then I hope I am better prepared. I can’t believe that July will be over in two weeks. Has it really been a year yet? Somehow it seems shorter. By the way did I mention my loan deferment has bee approved? Yay. With no job it is hard paying my loans.

Gosh I been so busy babysitting and helping my mom with the farmer’s market that I just realized I haven’t been blogging much. After a long day I just want to take a shower and then straight off to bed. Haha. Hopefully, I’ll have more time to myself. I need it. A lot of reflection to do.