God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Sunday, October 28, 2012


You are capable of deciding your own destiny…The question is which path will you choose.” - Unknown

"Don’t regret anything you do, because in the end, it makes you who you are." - Unknown

"Accept the past without regrets. Handle your present with confidence and your future without fear." - Unknown

Sometimes you wonder what you have done wrong to deserve worse things in your life. Sometimes you wonder how you can be so young and be so broken. Sometimes you wonder will your life ever change? and Sometime your life falls apart in front of you and you are left alone, wondering…

You may never know how much you’ve impacted someone’s life until you are no longer a part of their world..”  

When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there. Life is not a race, so take it slower. Hear the music before the song is over.”  - Unknown