God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Friday, June 1, 2012


Regardless of what the critics said about the movie Battleship, it won't change my mind. I have seen worst and I seen better and it just happens that Battleship is in my favor. I think many people expected this movie to be like the Board Game: Battleship. I am sorry to disappoint those who think so, but this movie is more like an alien invasion battleship. Taylor Kitsch is a good actor; I hope he’ll continue to do more movie in future. I do have to admit that the beginning of the movie was a bit slow, but afterward it was ALL action. I liked it. ^^ This movie also reminded me of Transformer minus the Autobots. Haha. Read synopsis below:

Battleship: An epic action-adventure that unfolds across the seas, in the skies and over land as our planet fights for survival against a superior force. Based on Hasbro’s classic naval combat game, Battleship stars Taylor Kitsch as Lt. Alex Hopper, a Naval officer assigned to the USS John Paul Jones; Brooklyn Decker as Sam Shane, a physical therapist and Hopper’s fiancée; Alexander Skarsgård as Hopper’s older brother, Stone, Commanding Officer of the USS Sampson; Rihanna as Petty Officer Raikes, Hopper’s crewmate and a weapons specialist on the USS John Paul Jones; and international superstar Liam Neeson as Hopper and Stone’s superior (and Sam’s father), Admiral Shane.

Let see. I went shopping. I bought a few underpants and a Nioxin Cleanser (for fine hair) Shampoo. Nioxin Cleanser System 3 – gently cleanses and removes environmental residue and DHT (Dihydrotestosterone). BioAMP adds thickness from inside the cuticle and strengthens the hair shaft. Glyco-Color Shield provides Clinically Proven** effects of chemical services. Transactive Delivery System provides moisturizing nourishment for the scalp and hair. You can purchase this shampoo from Marshall. This shampoo was recommended from a friend of mine. It has improved my hair growth so for that I am thankful. I cannot imagine going bald. LOL. So if you have chemically damaged hair, you might want to consider this shampoo.

Family vacation is tomorrow. It’s a good thing I packed last night. I purchased some snacks from Wal-Mart not to long ago. Healthy snacks (I hope) for the long four hours drive to Wisconsin Dells. Oh god. Have you ever pushed a car? So freaken heavy. Anyway, this afternoon my mam’s car received a ticket. For what? Parking on the street for more than 24 hours. How lame is that? Ugh. Anyhow, we had to push the car from the street to our driveway since the car is dead. 

Well I think I’m ready for bed. Eheh. But before I go, I wanted to share this picture I took this afternoon. Pretty eh? ^^ Ok off I go.