God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Fate and Life

I feel like I accomplished something today, although it was not much. I applied for two jobs (MNSU and Gustavus). My confidence is running low these couple of weeks. I think it’s the fact that I have not been successful in finding a job. No call or anything. It’s pretty depressing.

My friend (the one I met in Kland) and I had a discussion the other day about whether we both made a mistake by coming back. Tough question.  I’m not sure what to say. Sometime when life is hard, I want to say yes but when life is good I want to no. Time will tell.

There are times when I question FATE. Why do we believe in such thing? Is it because it gives us hope to live our life? Just a random thought. I feel blessed to be where I am today. I’ve come a long way and achieved things I thought was impossible. What I hope now is to find a nice job and a nice guy wouldn’t hurt. LOL. ^^