God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. - Reinhold Niebuhr

Monday, July 2, 2012

Guess What Happened

The most interesting thing happened today. I went to Target to look for a birthday card and buy envelopes. As I was looking at the birthday cards, I glance up and saw an ex-old guyfriend. The reason I say “ex” because sadly we are no longer friends. I smiled and then broke eye contact. If I think about it, we had a lot of good times in college. I regret that we couldn’t be friends to this very day. No matter what I hope all the best for him and his family.  I’ll always cherish the memories we made. I think this is one of the reasons why I am afraid to get close to anyone. So much memories was made and yet fate has lead us another way. I am sad but maybe it is better this way: to hurt once and never again. As I told my dear friend, I do miss him and I want to be friends again but in his eyes I hurtle him. People can always forgive but they cant never forget.
Anyway moving on, there are so many job opening listed on indeed.com but I am completing with thousands of people who are also looking for a job. Ugh. I have edited my cover letter, resume, and reference list so I hope this time around I’ll have more luck in finding a job. I hope god will hear my prayer. LOL. ^^   
So many errands I did today. So I stopped by Arby’s and since I was in a rush I didn’t check what cashier handled me. I went home only to find out that one of the sandwiches I ordered (Bacon Deluxe) was not there. Oh boy I was pissed. If I wasn’t so hungry I would had let it go, but since I was I drove back and told the cashier he forgot my sandwich. Not to mention that the sandwich was $3.99 too. I feel much better after eating. Haha.  
I don’t know why I cant stop thinking about him. ~~~~